Our church has three main foundational pillars that help guide our messaging and service to the community.


Our goal is to recognize it’s not about entertainment, it’s about focusing on God. We have a casual laid-back atmosphere. We incorporate both traditional hymns and contemporary worship music.

Our sermons are delivered in a conversational style and are biblically based.


The Bible is the word of God. Our focus is to maintain our faithfulness to scripture and help people grow in their relationship with Christ. We’re all followers of Christ and follow him through preaching, bible studies and small groups to help people grow in their faith.


Being a relevant partner in our community and sharing the love of Christ in our neighborhood and around our community. We started the FeedTC program to build a community pantry so we can attend to those that are hungry. Even our children and youth ministry reach out in the community to connect with a safe space to come together and meet real needs that are right here around us.

We Believe…


In the one God, Creator and Sustainer of all things, infinite in love, perfect in judgments and unchanging in mercy. God exists eternally in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;


In the divine inspiration, truthfulness and authority of both the Old and New Testaments, the only Word of God, without error in all it affirms. The Scriptures are the only infallible rule of faith and practice. The Holy Spirit preserves God’s Word in the church today and by it speaks God’s truth to peoples of every age;


The human beings were created in the image of God. This image was marred in every part through the disobedience of our first parents, and fellowship with God was broken. God, in His prevenient grace, restores moral sensibility to all humankind and enables all to respond to His love and to accept His saving grace, if the will;

Jesus Christ

That Jesus Christ is God’s Son incarnate, born of the Virgin Mary. He died for the sins of all, taking on Himself, on behalf of sinful persons, God’s judgment upon sin. In His body he rose from the grave and ascended to the right hand of the Father were He intercedes for us;

Holy Spirit

That the Holy Spirit is God present and active in the World. The Holy Spirit was given to the church in His fullness at Pentecost. By the Spirit, Christ lives in His church, the gospel is proclaimed and the kingdom of God is manifested in the world.


That God graciously justifies and regenerates all who trust in Jesus Christ. Believers become children of God and begin to live in holiness through faith in Christ and the sanctifying Spirit;

Assurance of Believers

That all believers are assured that they are children of God by the inward witness of God’s Spirit with their spirits, by faith in the gracious promises of God’s Word, and by the fruit of the Spirit in their lives;

Christians in Society

That Christians are called to live in daily witness to the grace which comes to us in Jesus Christ, to preach the gospel to every person according to the command of Christ, and to declare God’s insistence upon righteousness and justice in all relationships and structures of human society;

The Church

That Christians are called to live in daily witness to the grace which comes to us in Jesus Christ, to preach the gospel to every person according to the command of Christ, and to declare God’s insistence upon righteousness and justice in all relationships and structures of human society;

Sacraments and the Covenant of Marriage

That sacraments are outward, visible signs of an inward, spiritual grace which unite the body of Christ in ministry and mission. We celebrate the two sacraments instituted by Christ in the New Testament: baptism and communion. We believe marriage is a sacred covenant.


That baptism is celebrated as the visible entry into the body of Christ. We baptize children, youth, and adults who wish to publicly proclaim their faith in Christ. Baptism is an outward statement of one’s belief in Christ’s death for our sins and in the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit to guide and influence our lives;


That we celebrate communion by breaking bread and pouring the cup to remember always the broken body and shed blood of Christ on the cross for us. We witness in the bread and fruit of the vine the gift of forgiveness, renewed faith in God and our intimate fellowship with each other through our union in Christ. We celebrate open communion, which means that all who follow Christ are welcome at his table;

Covenant of Marriage

That Christian marriage is marked and governed by Christian principles set forth in Scripture. Jesus defined marriage as a sacred, lifelong covenant between a man and a woman. Recognizing we live in broken world, we embrace Christ’s ministry and welcome everyone in his name;

Return of Christ

In the personal return of Jesus Christ, in the bodily resurrection of all persons, in final judgment and in eternal reward and punishment;

God’s Ultimate Victory

In God’s ultimate victory over Satan and all evil and the establishment of His perfect kingdom in a new heaven and a new earth.

Staff and Leadership

Jeff Goodwin

Lead Pastor

Gregg Law

Worship Director